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Assessments and Psychological Testings

Assessment can be an integral part of understanding interpersonal issues, anxiety, addiction, personality characteristics, and communication styles. The screening process can help identify triggers and behavioral traits in order to fine-tune your treatment plan. At Bassi Psychological Services we offer the following assessments and testings:

Psychological Testing for Bariatric Surgery is one of the services provided by our office. Our expert psychologists meet with patients to conduct an evaluation. In addition, we collaborate with the referring physician and ensure all tests and evaluations necessary are completed. Please keep in mind this service is not always covered by insurance. Please contact our office for more information.

Vocational Testing could be administered to anyone over the age of 16. If you are a student and unsure about what your skills and interests are or you are having difficulty choosing a career path, this test is for you. We have found that this assessment has also been beneficial for adults who might have doubts about their career choices and would like to explore what other paths they would be happier and more successful in.

Neurological Testing is a useful tool to evaluate executive functioning, mental status, memory, sensory motor functions and so much more. Dr. Jung is an expert in Neurological Assessments and would be more than happy to answer any questions.

Personality Testing such as the MMPI and 16 PF are often used to determine a variety of psychological issues such as personality disorders. Often times these assessments are requested by the treating physician or psychiatrist.